Cylinder black stripes - bad lightmap resolution?

I need a little advice how to solve these black stripes on static mesh - cylinder.
Im using 40 sided cylinders, these smaller cylinders cause problems but 3x larger cylinder not.
I know that its probably something wrong with lightmap resolution, but i dont know which one… there are more lightmap resolution settings… which one should i set? Or something another?
Thanks for help.

What kind of mesh is that? Looks like it could be BSP which shouldn’t have lightmap UV issues, if you converted it to a static mesh from BSP then you still need to create proper lightmap UV’s

It is BSP converted to static mesh :slight_smile: solo BSP don’t have this problem, only when i convert it into static mesh…
Btw how to create that lightmap UV? It’s only about setting some values in static mesh properties or something more?

There’s some lightmap generation settings when you open the static mesh, but usually it requires that you send the mesh to a 3D program like Blender/3ds Max/Maya and do the UV’s properly.
Also, it would need smoothing, BSP doesn’t smooth across angled surfaces so you can see the sections of the cylinder.