Cyberpunk Streets Environment

Out freaking standing! You’ve done a heck of job on that scene.

Really great job!
With sequencer you can record your gameplay of walking around or let a camera flythrough and then render the scene at 60fps even if your machine cannot handle it.
Looking forward to the finished piece!

Ah, thats what I hoped… if it was only a few weeks’ worth of work, I’d cry.

Any chance of a lighting breakdown? I’m interested to see how you’ve got things set up. Lighting looks very good for dynamic.

**FloreVanackere **That sounds really good, never heard of that feature. Thanks for the tip :wink:

**Crow87 ** Lighting is fairly simple, really. I use Distance Fields AO for large scale occlusion, and HBAO+ from Nvidia Tech thread for smaller contact shadows. The rest is just manually placed lights. Sometimes I use point light’s min.roughness at 1, which helps simulate ambient light, and use those as fake fill and bounce lights. It’s not perfect but sort of works :slight_smile: For light fixtures, I actually have a master blueprint, which contains a fixture mesh, direct light and “bounce” light. That blueprint has variables like glow, glow color, light intensity exposed, so I can reuse them throughout the level. Saves a lot of time this way, compared to placing all those manaully.

Just a thought - But are you considering selling these assets on the Marketplace? I’ve been looking for a set like this to save me some time haha.

I make game about cyberpunk too and your game inspired me to work harder))
Great work. Would you post it to steam?

Out freaking standing! You’ve done a heck of job on that scene.

Adder. Any chance you could DM me? I’ll pay for this.

I would really love to see more come from this, it’s just great.

@Adder you said that you created everything in this level by yourself, and I count dozen of vehicles and animations, and hundres and hundreds of props. For a single person this could easily be in the thousands hours of work, can I ask for how long have you worked on it “in your spare time”?
Anyway the level is quite good. Congrats.

Really interesting envi, what a mood !! Thanks for sharing and gratz ! :wink:

great work! looks amazing!

I love people who not only make pretty environments but go out to sound scape them and add real motion and life to it. You may sleep easy now knowing you’ve earned the respect of a random stranger the chances of ever seeing again are close to zero!

That was Amazing! Though those Chinese words doesn’t make any scene, just put all those random words together…you might need to translate them in a right way(use google at least).
Anyway, it reminds me of Cyberpunk 2077

Simply outstanding work!

work mate, have you thought about releasing a demo or even better release some assets to marketplace? I would definitely buy it.

Amazing amazing work really loved it. but i gotta ask, you have created everything in the scene ? I mean modeling, rigging and animation etc. there are thousands of hours of work. Haven’t you use some free content at all ?

@Adder. you should really put this on the marketplace!

I would buy it directly!!
Fantastic work I love it

Nice work, could you post some break-up about how did you made it? Assets, materials, modular pieces, trick you used etc… Would love to see that :slight_smile: