I recently started to play around with metahumans, and clearly, at this point, the focus/selling point is the face creator.
I’m asking if it is okay to change the clothing in Blender for example, and still use it in a game that I’m making on the unreal engine?
Or is it not acceptable to customize your metahumans in “third-party” software?
Yes you can modify Metahuman assets in Blender provided that those assets are finally used in a UE product. Here’s the applicable EULA language -
For UE-Only Content, you may exercise
your rights under the License only if
and to the extent that the UE-Only
Content is utilized in a Product that
requires the Engine Code to operate or
is a non-interactive linear media
product (e.g., broadcast or streamed
video files, cartoons, movies, or
images) rendered using the Engine