Custom unique emitter lifetime


I am trying to achieve a certain result in niagara but I am stumped. I would like my emitter to have a unique (per emitter) custom float lifetime that i can manually set. Here is what im trying to do…

I have an emitter that is continuiously emitting particles with the spawn rate. The particle lifetime is set to 3 seconds and the loop duration set to 5. I would like to be able to set a random float so i can change params such as color/size/spritelife etc over the course of this lifetime, ie: 4 seconds. After the 4 seconds the emitter would die and stop emitting particles. The loop duration would then restart it 1 second later.

This lifetime is seperate from the loop duration and would need to be unique to each emitter. If i have a parent/child setup that is spawning multiple emitters, each emitter would have its own unique lifetime duration.

Initially i thought i could use the loop duration however it is continuiously looping and not tied to the emitters initial spawn.

Does anyone have any ideas on how i may be able to achieve this? It is a parameter that i have used in previous engines and it is extremely useful so i would like to be able to achieve the same result in niagara.

Thank You!

Any ideas? Here is a video in a different engine showing what i mean. I have a simple parent/child setup. Each parent lives for 5 seconds (red particle) and it continuously spawns child particles. The child particles have an emitter lifetime of 3 seconds and they change color over that 3 seconds. Each instance of the child emitter has its own uique emitter lifetime that starts counting down as soon as it is spawned which is a bit different than the loop duration that is applied to all of the emitters uniformly.

Parent/Child Emitter lifetime - YouTube