Custom Server Settings / Arguments?


I’d like to add some custom user settings/arguments to my dedicated server which the admin can set when starting the server. For example, the day of time on server start, whether crossairs/chat will be enabled on clients, etc.

What I need is a way to set boolean variables to control those settings. All I’ve found so far is that you can create custom events in the level blueprint and trigger them by adding arguments to the target line in the server’s shortcut. But, apparently, that doesn’t work when you build the game for shipping.

Is there another way to add arguments or to have a custom .cfg file, or at least custom commands in the server.cfg?

Thanks in advance :wink:

Unfortunately player state is set to read only in blueprints and can only be edited in C++ so you’re limited there to changing values such as names and things. You can however create a player state parent class in C++ and expose those variables by adding specifiers to make them blueprint read writeable and edit all that good stuff like that in blueprints.

You’d need to reparent your current player state to the C++ player state and you can still program just like normal blueprints in the existing player state, but your variables would be editable. I wish they were editable out of the box, but they aren’t. If someone else knows a workaround I’d love to hear it.