I’m trying to implement my own SaveGame mechanism by building on the existing one.
Basically, what I’m trying to achieve is to be able to store saved game data in a database, rather than in the files, as it seems that the engine does by default when you call UGameplayStatics::SaveGameToSlot
I was following this tutorial on the topic of saving/loading games and basically, all I want to do is find a way to serialize the SaveGame object, and then handle the rest.
Now, I’m not really going to be connecting the UE server to MySQL directly. I have a login server which I wrote in GoLang which will also accept socket connections from the server to retrieve relevant data.
How do I override the UGameplayStatics::SaveGameToSlot functionality? I tried to create a child class off of UGameplayStatics class, but it doesn’t appear in the add class wizard in the Editor.
Should I just create a class directly in Visual Studio?
Or, is there a more streamlined way of overriding the save game functionality?
Any input/suggestion/link to resources on the subject, or the subject of serialization of classes in UE4 will be greatly appreciated.