Custom physic vehicle simulation! Project download included

just tried it, really nice i must say, big thumbs up from me, need to dig a bit deeper over the next week, would like to add it to my project which uses -shooter, but we’ll see.
btw any of like a set-up, so that other types of vehicles could be added.

keep up the good work

ps skids are fun :slight_smile:

Can you elaborate on this a bit? what do you mean by set-up?

and yess, drifting is alot of fun =D

i know your focus is on wheeled vehicles, me being very much old school ut/ons/warfare, i was thinking about the base vehicle being then child version to wheeled/hover/tracked/copter, i had a quick look at your bp’s, really must thankyou for having the character mesh in the vehicle your the only one i’ve seen that does that which is why i ask for a type, i thought at one stage the component system could be used for it but any form of coding/bp is beyound me :frowning:

If I wanted to make a boat of plane or anything else than wheeled, the way it would need to work would be so different on so many levels it would be better to just make another master class. Like, BP_Boat_Master or BP_Plane_Master.

I don’t intend to do that as the wheeled vehicle is enough work on its own x)

Because driving on land has become so mainstream, here is a new update. Also including a trailer to cary those precious car around safely.

Oh and feel free to contact me if you want to help make this free project better!
I need quite some help figuring out how to make all of this work better in multiplayer, visual improvements are also welcome :slight_smile:


Awesome. Thanks. Do you have the BP_AI_Race AIController working yet? If you do, a tutorial on the use of that class would be appreciated.

It’s so frikkin’ amazing, love all of it!

As for sounds, I totally understand the reluctance to introduce Fmod as part of the project, at the same time I would be immensely interested in the topic - maybe a separate tutorial on that? Or how about moving the sound implementation to an independent Actor Component driven by event bindings and/or states?

This way the project would not need to involve anything other than dispatcher calls and the sound actor could be it’s own download.

its still very basic for now, but I will make a video about it soon enough ^^


I followed your tutorial 01 - Vehicle Setup Part 1 and although everything seems to work fine, the wheels of my model car behave real strange and the vehicle is unable to move. More particularly the wheels rotate and behave like they are spheres and they rotate in all axes. Do you happen to know what is wrong?

Here is a link with the fbx of the car that I used.

Thanks in advance.


your Project is really great and I love how the vehicle reacts. But the Acceleration of the Vehicle depends on the Frames Per Seconds. I’ve checked some other Version, in Version 1.2 it doesn’t look like it depends on the FPS (only the Steering, here i’ve just Multiply the Steering speed with the World Delta Seconds). I’ve already enabled substepping with “Substep Delta Time” 0.0333333 and “Substeps” 16, this doesn’t change anything.
Does anyone have the same Issue or did I configure something wrong (I’m really new to the Unreal Engine and Blueprints)? I’ve limit the FPS for testing with the Console Command “t.MaxFPS 15” or for unlimited “t.MaxFPS 0”. When i’ve test it on my Laptop which really only gets 10 FPS I have the same issue.

Greetings reifl

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How can i add this project into my own? Have one of you an Tutorial maybe for me please?

JX5MB! My man, what a lush blueprint, if i use this in any future projects all credit goes to you for this blueprint! :smiley: ive got a little issue with the project though man, ive just downloaded it, and ive only succsessfully entered either car once, and it hasnt let me since. Been hitting E at the driver door of course but i cant seem to figure out why this is happening. Any thoughts? 10/10 though man good job!

How can i change the camera that it works as the fps camera for the ue4 example project?

Good evening!

Thanks for a such a great project! For for some reason I get this error

Warning Invalid Simulate Options: Body (BP_Physic_Pawn_602.Capsule) is set to simulate physics but Collision Enabled is incompatible

the character falls on the ground and dies :wink: not sure what to do.

Why do we need fake wheels? I downloaded the first version of the project and removed the fake wheels - they are not needed.

This is pretty nice, speed of the vehicle seems a bit weird though - won’t go above around 65km/h. Traction and torque also seems a bit off, especially for being a V8 :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve been considering doing something like this for a while, akin to that of My Summer Car since I have a '69 Camaro so would easily be able to get reference material as well as audio recordings. Maybe if we get a group together this could be something to fiddle around with? :cool:

Great Project! But how can one make car go faster ? Cant find any torque or anything speed related (

How did you make it so the wheels don’t have a lot of motion blur when driving at higher speeds? can you please let me know how or screenshot the blueprints. Thank you for your time!!!

I believe this two questions cancel each other out :wink:
Ad 1. Less blur because of fake wheels which rotate slower than the physical components would, and Ad 2. fake wheels needed to reduce blur.