Custom Map Icons (and any map icons) don't work

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



Map Indicators have an option for enabling icons to be seen on the minimap, with the ability to have custom icons as well, but both don’t work at the moment, no icon shows

Steps to Reproduce

Place a map indicator
Enable an icon on it
Start game

Expected Result

Icon shows in both maps

Observed Result

Icon doesnt show



I’m not seeing this problem, but I’m doing it in UEFN. Works perfect. Maybe switch to UEFN for just that part?

I did that too but not working. Can you share your settings? Not sure what I am missing

I changed nothing… just activated it in code and it just works. Do you have code running for it?

    MI:map_indicator_device = map_indicator_device{}
    StartMarkerButton:button_device = button_device{}



So it only runs through verse then, got it. I had the device placed and expected it to work through there

is it solved? or were you able to solve it in some way?

Okay yeah I managed to get it to work. You have to disable this setting and use the icon slots above that to add your custom icon. Still seems like a bug, but at least there is a workaround