Custom Log Category generates Error LNK2001

ConnMacros.h (this file has more than this, but it’s mostly useless stuff)

// Copyright William Antonio Pimentel-Tonche. All rights reserved.

#pragma once

#include "CoreMinimal.h"

DECLARE_LOG_CATEGORY_EXTERN(LogConnFramework, Display, Log);

ConnTypes.cpp (this also has more than what is shown)

// Copyright William Antonio Pimentel-Tonche. All rights reserved.

#include "Types/ConnCollection.h"
#include "Types/ConnInput.h"
#include "Types/ConnMacros.h"
#include "Types/ConnRaycast.h"
#include "Types/ConnUtil.h"

#include "Kismet/GameplayStatics.h"
#include "Logging/LogMacros.h"

 * This is a file which contains methods (constructors, functions, operators) for CONNIPTION Framework data types.
 * There are a few advantages to this design:
 * - It's fast. Changes to default values will not require a rebuild of dependent files.
 * - It's more maintanable. Headers can't easily change in patch releases, but source files can.
 * - It's less buggy. Blueprints won't shatter like glass when we update defaults or internal methods.
 * There are disadvantages to take note of, though they are generally minor and well worth the trade:
 * - It's more spread out. We now need to duplicate initializers across multiple constructors or manually call others.
 * - It's very precise. It's possible to mix the initialization order and declaration order.
 * - With all type methods crammed into one file, this one is... pretty long.
 * Format Guide:
 * - Include type headers in alphanumeric order. (EXCEPTION: ConnMacros.h)
 * - Split type headers with this comment format: 

// TypeHeaderName.h

 * - Constructors should always go before methods.

// ConnMacros.h


When I try to compile this, I get an unresolved external error:

  unresolved external symbol "struct FLogCategoryLogConnFramework LogConnFramework" (?LogConnFramework@@3UFLogCategoryLogConnFramework@@A)

This makes zero sense. I’ve been using this log category all throughout the framework and it decides to stop compiling only just now?

I need this category so that developers using my plugin know exactly where the errors are coming from, so I’d like to get this to work. Thanks, all help is appreciated.


you have to add <MODULE_NAME>_API marco in front of the declaration. see LogTemp declaration in CoreGlobals.h:



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