ConnMacros.h (this file has more than this, but it’s mostly useless stuff)
// Copyright William Antonio Pimentel-Tonche. All rights reserved.
#pragma once
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
DECLARE_LOG_CATEGORY_EXTERN(LogConnFramework, Display, Log);
ConnTypes.cpp (this also has more than what is shown)
// Copyright William Antonio Pimentel-Tonche. All rights reserved.
#include "Types/ConnCollection.h"
#include "Types/ConnInput.h"
#include "Types/ConnMacros.h"
#include "Types/ConnRaycast.h"
#include "Types/ConnUtil.h"
#include "Kismet/GameplayStatics.h"
#include "Logging/LogMacros.h"
* This is a file which contains methods (constructors, functions, operators) for CONNIPTION Framework data types.
* There are a few advantages to this design:
* - It's fast. Changes to default values will not require a rebuild of dependent files.
* - It's more maintanable. Headers can't easily change in patch releases, but source files can.
* - It's less buggy. Blueprints won't shatter like glass when we update defaults or internal methods.
* There are disadvantages to take note of, though they are generally minor and well worth the trade:
* - It's more spread out. We now need to duplicate initializers across multiple constructors or manually call others.
* - It's very precise. It's possible to mix the initialization order and declaration order.
* - With all type methods crammed into one file, this one is... pretty long.
* Format Guide:
* - Include type headers in alphanumeric order. (EXCEPTION: ConnMacros.h)
* - Split type headers with this comment format:
// TypeHeaderName.h
* - Constructors should always go before methods.
// ConnMacros.h
When I try to compile this, I get an unresolved external error:
unresolved external symbol "struct FLogCategoryLogConnFramework LogConnFramework" (?LogConnFramework@@3UFLogCategoryLogConnFramework@@A)
This makes zero sense. I’ve been using this log category all throughout the framework and it decides to stop compiling only just now?
I need this category so that developers using my plugin know exactly where the errors are coming from, so I’d like to get this to work. Thanks, all help is appreciated.