custom Fonts in PIE, generic in shipping version

hi all, I have an issue with fonts. In PIE I’m using a custom font that displays properly, but in the shipping build seems to be using a generic font, and I have no idea why. Please take a look at the picture, on the left side is the generic font in the shipping build, and on the right side is the custom font as displayed in PIE.


Please let me know.


Hey room101,

Are you ensuring to include the content folder/file that contains your custom font in your shipping build? Does it function as expected if you use a development build instead?

hi Sean, thank you very much for your reply! as far as I know, yes, the content folder that contains the fonts is included in the packaging settings. If you want, you can give it a try, the project can be downloaded from [here][1]


The link unfortunately does not work for me. Could you upload the project to Dropbox and provide a download link, or ensure that I will be able to access the link you’ve provided?


whoops, misspelled [the link][1], should work now

Thanks Sean for your reply!


Hey room101,

So here’s what I did to resolve the issue (at least with a test widget that I created in your project). Go to Edit->Project Settings->Packaging->Packaging and click the dropdown arrow. Under Additional Asset Directories to Cook, add Data/Blueprints/Widgets.

Let me know if that works.

hi Sean, thank you very much for your reply!

interestingly enough, adding that folder to the project settings crashes my shipping build upon launching the executable.

can you please explain a bit more what you meant by the test widget you created?


I just created a simple test widget that contained a text box that was displayed on screen, as the text box you’ve shown in your above image wasn’t displaying for me.

It was just a basic Text Box that I added to the viewport inside of the level blueprint. Give that a shot and let me know if it still crashes, as it could be something related to the particular widget that you were using.

hi Sean, thank you very much for your reply!

in my case, I finally realized that I need to include the path to my original TTF font files in the project settings, and once I did that, the fonts in the shipping build display correctly.

Thank you again very much for all your help!