Custom Expression Node When copied and pasted is missing code.

I’ve noticed that when using custom expressions and copy pasting them in to new material it loses some code.

This is how the Original experssion node looks like.

There here is what a copied and pasted node looks like.

as you can see that’s not exactly what I wrote. I can just copy paste the original code back into the new node but that’s a pain.

Hey JoSilver,

I just tested this on my end and did not get the same results as you are reporting. It almost looks like your breaks/indents are getting removed and it truncates the beginning of your first lines.

Are you working on a Mac or a PC?

Let me know if you need further assistance.


I’m working on a pc. However maybe it’s more of the way I’m working then the node it’s self. I don’t type the code directly into the code box. Instead I’ve been opening up notepad++ writing the script there and then just copy paste in in to the node. Maybe that has something to do with it.

I would make sure that your workflow is not the cause of the issue, as it sounds like the notepad++ could be part of the reason copy/pasting is not working as expected.

Let me know if you have further questions.
