Custom Collision for Imported map

this should help :

I know I can add collisions via Mesh editor, but my imported level is of a landscape with some hills, Is there a tutorial that covers how to make a custom collision for this level instead of the “boxes” that the mesh editor makes?

It does not. I’ve done whats there, that tutorial seems to be more towards rocks or props. Not the actual geo of the level such as the ground. When I try to apply a collision, it just makes the whole level a box rather then just the poly on the ground.

Hi TheOneWolf,

The proper way would be to make a custom collision in whatever modeling software you are using.

You also have an option of using the polygons themselves as collision but this is much more taxing than the option above (especially on something as large as a landscape). To do this, open the asset in the Static Mesh Editor. Under the Details panel > Static Mesh Settings change the Collision Complexity to Use Complex Collision as Simple.

I hope this helps.

Thanks, TJ

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Roger, I will be giviging this a go, I was in the process of breaking up the landscape as it has a mountain range as the boarders. Making the actual land easier to apply a proper collision and give the mountains its own collision. I can provide a screenshot if it’ll help understand what I have.

This one solved my issue, the “Use Complex Collisions as Simple”

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I’m glad it worked for you. Just remember that this is a per-poly collision method that can be taxing on performance if your landscape is very large. As you build your game, if you start to see performance hitches this should be the first thing you should look into.

Have a good day and good luck with your project!