I’ve got a custom ASkeletalMeshActor native class that I am using for all containers in my game with all of the shared functionality of a container (open/close functions, params like whether the container is locked or not, a loot table to spawn items from, etc.).
I’ve got an instance of this custom actor called BP_Crate01.
I also have an Animation Blueprint created in editor from the same skeletal mesh, called ABP_Crate01.
I’ve assigned ABP_Crate01 to BP_Crate01’s skeletal mesh component’s “Anim Class” with Animation Mode set to “Use Animation Blueprint”.
I have added a Notify on the animation at the keyframe I want the crate to spawn loot, and I am playing the animation from BP_Crate01 by calling PlayAnimation from the skeletal mesh component.
The animation plays, but the notify doesn’t fire. I’ve tried adding a Print node but nothing gets output from the AnimNotify event in the event graph on the ABP_Crate01.
I’ve watched a tonne of videos but I’ve found none that cover how to implement an AnimBlueprint using a custom ASkeletalMeshActor base class. I have a feeling I might be going about this entirely the wrong way, but I’m stumped, and honestly I apologise for a confusing description, it’s confusing me trying to wrap my head around. This is all super new to me.
Hoping someone can point me in the right direction.