I am new to Unreal Engine. I am trying to import a 3D vehicle model from STEP designed in Catia to 3DS Max and again should export that to FBX and import it to Unreal Engine 4.
When I import a 3D model from STEP to 3dsMAX 2016, I have used with the import property as change to mesh and kept the resolution to -4 or -5. But when I import to unreal, I couldn’t change the material and texture for it properly.
So I have changed the import property as “change to mesh as false” and imported it. But I didnt get the curve properly. I have googled it and tried with “turbosmooth”. It actually worked it in 3DS Max but when I export and import it to unreal, I didnt get the curve properly and windows have not imported properly.
I did the same process in 3ds Max 2015. But still I didnt get the curve in unreal but the windows are imported properly.
Is there any better techniques to maintain the original curve smoothness of objects when importing from STEP to MAX and then MAX to Unreal?
I can even give the model but I need some solution for it.
Please help me to find the solution for this issue if anyone have faced the same.
Thank you!!!