Curve Animation in Slate


I wonder, whats the more optimal way to have more advanced animation inside an slate class than FCurveSequence?
For example: for animations, where a FCurveSequence’s interpolation methods isn’t enough, is a bouncing effect.
Currently I achieve that by a linear FCurveSequence and it’s value is used to get the Value of a UCurveFloat.
But that seams a little bit weird to me.
Is there possible a simpler solution to have custom animations inside slate?

I know UMG is generally used/prefered for that, but I need to cut every perfomance overhead as possible, because it’s quite a complex project for mobile.


Ok, I think that’s the way how to do it, in case somebody might need that too.
Just register a normal timer (RegisterActiveTimer(…) ) , thats better than the FCurveSequence, because I can set custom frequency (therefore it doesn’t run every frame like FCurveSequence.