Hi there!
I’m wondering what the current status of the support for the renderer is? I’ve been looking at this guide…
…but have the feeling it might not be up-to-date. I’m currently on 4.8.13, but looks like most posts/docs are for 4.14.
- is it still required (4.18.3) to compile the engine from source? (I am using the binary and am able to deploy to a mobile device). If not, do I have to have the SDK installed? (I currently do as suggested in the docs, but wondering if that would only be required when compiling the engine from source).
- is it still required to use the ‘-’ flag when launching the editor?
- does the renderer require Mobile HDR to be on? (have seen this suggested in some forum posts)
- are there still issues with the Mali-T8xx GPUs (eg Galaxy S7) as some posts suggest, or have they been resolved?
- what settings are recommended under Android > Build? Docs suggest armv7 + ES2 + , but I’ve seen people suggest arm64 +
- does work with GearVR?
Reason I’m asking all this is, I’m able to deploy to a Galaxy S7, and the logs suggest it’s using the engine, but:
- enabling bloom crashes the app after
displaying the splash screen and a
short period of black - in the engine, the Play >
Mobile Preview (PIE) crashes - on the S7, the app renders but often
shows artefacts that resemble a
vsync issue or rolling shutter (parts
of the image look like they’re
showing an older/different frame) -
but it seems this mainly happens if
Mobile HDR is off
I’m developing on:
- Galaxy S7
- Android 7.0 (official)
- UE4.18.3
Any suggestions and help regarding developing for are much appreciated!
Here’s a bit of the log from the test app on S7:
[2018.02.27-03.01.37:029][ 0]LogVulkanRHI: Display: - Found Instance Layer VK_KHR_surface
[2018.02.27-03.01.37:029][ 0]LogVulkanRHI: Display: - Found Instance Layer VK_KHR_android_surface
[2018.02.27-03.01.37:029][ 0]LogVulkanRHI: Display: - Found Instance Layer VK_EXT_debug_report
[2018.02.27-03.01.37:029][ 0]LogVulkanRHI: Display: - Found Instance Layer VK_ANDROID_native_buffer
[2018.02.27-03.01.37:029][ 0]LogVulkanRHI: Display: - Found global layer VK_LAYER_LUNARG_image
[2018.02.27-03.01.37:029][ 0]LogVulkanRHI: Display: - Found global layer VK_LAYER_GOOGLE_threading
[2018.02.27-03.01.37:030][ 0]LogVulkanRHI: Display: - Found global layer VK_LAYER_LUNARG_core_validation
[2018.02.27-03.01.37:030][ 0]LogVulkanRHI: Display: - Found global layer VK_LAYER_LUNARG_parameter_validation
[2018.02.27-03.01.37:030][ 0]LogVulkanRHI: Display: - Found global layer VK_LAYER_GOOGLE_unique_objects
[2018.02.27-03.01.37:030][ 0]LogVulkanRHI: Display: - Found global layer VK_LAYER_LUNARG_device_limits
[2018.02.27-03.01.37:030][ 0]LogVulkanRHI: Display: - Found global layer VK_LAYER_LUNARG_object_tracker
[2018.02.27-03.01.37:030][ 0]LogVulkanRHI: Display: - Found global layer VK_LAYER_LUNARG_swapchain
[2018.02.27-03.01.37:030][ 0]LogVulkanRHI: Display: Using instance extensions
[2018.02.27-03.01.37:030][ 0]LogVulkanRHI: Display: * VK_KHR_surface
[2018.02.27-03.01.37:030][ 0]LogVulkanRHI: Display: * VK_KHR_android_surface
[2018.02.27-03.01.37:030][ 0]LogVulkanRHI: Display: * VK_EXT_debug_report
[2018.02.27-03.01.37:030][ 0]LogVulkanRHI: Display: Found 1 device(s)
[2018.02.27-03.01.37:030][ 0]LogVulkanRHI: Display: Initializing Device 0
[2018.02.27-03.01.37:030][ 0]LogVulkanRHI: Display: API 0x40000b Driver 0x35183787 VendorId 0x13b5
[2018.02.27-03.01.37:030][ 0]LogVulkanRHI: Display: Name Mali-T880 Device 0x8802000 Type Integrated GPU
[2018.02.27-03.01.37:030][ 0]LogVulkanRHI: Display: Max Descriptor Sets Bound 4 Timestamps 0
[2018.02.27-03.01.37:030][ 0]LogVulkanRHI: Display: Geometry 0 Tessellation 0
[2018.02.27-03.01.37:030][ 0]LogVulkanRHI: Display: - Found Device Extension VK_KHR_swapchain
[2018.02.27-03.01.37:031][ 0]LogVulkanRHI: Display: Using device extensions
[2018.02.27-03.01.37:031][ 0]LogVulkanRHI: Display: * VK_KHR_swapchain
[2018.02.27-03.01.37:031][ 0]LogVulkanRHI: Display: Found 1 Queue Families
[2018.02.27-03.01.37:031][ 0]LogVulkanRHI: Display: Initializing Queue Family 0: 2 queues Gfx Compute Xfer
[2018.02.27-03.01.37:031][ 0]LogVulkanRHI: Warning: EPixelFormat(11) is not supported with Vk format 130
[2018.02.27-03.01.37:031][ 0]LogVulkanRHI: Display: 1 Device Memory Heaps; Max memory allocations -1
[2018.02.27-03.01.37:031][ 0]LogVulkanRHI: Display: 0: Flags 0x1 Size 3694096384 (3522.96 MB) GPU
[2018.02.27-03.01.37:031][ 0]LogVulkanRHI: Display: 3 Device Memory Types
[2018.02.27-03.01.37:031][ 0]LogVulkanRHI: Display: 0: Flags 0x7 Heap 0 Local HostVisible HostCoherent
[2018.02.27-03.01.37:031][ 0]LogVulkanRHI: Display: 1: Flags 0xb Heap 0 Local HostVisible HostCached
[2018.02.27-03.01.37:031][ 0]LogVulkanRHI: Display: 2: Flags 0x11 Heap 0 Local Lazy
[2018.02.27-03.01.37:031][ 0]LogVulkanRHI: Warning: Timestamps not supported on Device
[2018.02.27-03.01.37:031][ 0]LogVulkanRHI: Display: Trying pipeline cache file ../../../Test/Saved/VulkanPSO.cache
[2018.02.27-03.01.37:031][ 0]LogVulkanRHI: Warning: Unable to load pipeline cache '../../../Test/Saved/VulkanPSO.cache'
[2018.02.27-03.01.37:031][ 0]LogVulkanRHI: Display: Pipeline cache: No pipeline cache(s) loaded
[2018.02.27-03.01.37:031][ 0]LogMaterial: Verifying Global Shaders for SF_VULKAN_ES31_ANDROID