Hi guys! I have a problem using DX11 tessellation.
My situation: I have a terrain and I want to apply a desert sand material (obtained through content examples) and use the tessellation to get an amazing effect.
The problem is with culling in the screen borders. It is seen better in a screenshot: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3Apfe1LHlZHaUNOZUdGemhUMkE/view?usp=sharing
The effect in game is horrible!!!
Here is the layered material: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3Apfe1LHlZHbDEyTFI4UENIRmc/view?usp=sharing
Thanks a lot!
Anybody has the same problem?
Tessellation is a GPU effect, so it is not considered when performing culling, so extreme levels of tessellation that rise or lower the terrain a lot will cause culling to be incorrect, as it will continue to use the heightmap of the terrain to determine the bounds for culling, your better off deforming the terrain and only using tessellation to rise/lower the terrain a little.
But I raise the terrain just a little bit and the problem occurs. Is there a way to adjust culling distance in options?
Thanks a lot.
Try playing with the Positive/Negative ZBounds extension parameters on the Landscape Actor (I dont know if this is only 4.13 or not, as thats the only engine I have in front of me right now).
Rising Max Displacement under tessellation did the trick for me.
(Working in 4.14, I dont know if it works for 4.12 and lower tho).