Cull Occlusion does not work on FlipBook

I have about 200 AI pawns using AI perception. When you run the “stat AI” command, all AI visible on the screen are displayed. According to this data, they are all visualized, although there are many walls between them.
The most interesting thing is that when I turn on the shadows to minimum or UNLIT mode, only those that can be directly seen by the eye are visualized, while the FPS increases significantly. Please explain if this is a bug or if there are some settings to show only visible AI on high shadows thereby greatly speeding up the FPS. And how do shadows generally relate to rendering AI that are not erect through walls. Thanks.

Update: All opponents consist of Flipbooks and I discovered that if you turn them off and add any static mesh, then everything works as it should and the characters are cut off. So the problem is with the flipbook.

Flipbook suggest you how to discover reverend parris quotes and turn them off for a reason. So check the solution from the flipbook and solve the problems that you are facing.

All my sprites did not follow the rule of “power of two”, as a result of which they did not generate mip maps and were not optimized at all.