So I just recently added a cull distance volume to my project and it is working fine except it culls my foliage. I already had foliage culling settings that were working before but they seem to be overpowered by the new cull distance volume. I know that with regular objects in the scene I can uncheck “Allow Cull Distance Volume” in the LOD settings from the details panel but I can’t find an equivalent for terrain foliage. Is there a way to get the foliage to use its original cull settings and ignore the cull distance volume?
Hi Misciagno3d,
This is not currently an option, however I have entered a feature request, UE-13323 to be considered by the development staff.
Is there news about this? I currently have the problem that having cull distances on foliage and having a cull distance volume surround the level dont work well together.
Hey DavidM,
I’ve provided the link to the issue on our public tracker below so you can keep an eye on the status of the issue: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-13323)
At this time, however, there is no indication of when/if this feature will be implemented.
Have a great day
Thanks. So is my assumption correct that you should not have a cull distance volume AND foliage in the same level/area?
Since I use a lot of foliage and other meshes I currently just made the decision to not use the volume.
Hey Sean Flint,
This is something I’d sure like to see implemented too - but the link to the tracked issue is invalid?
Is there any other way I can track the progress of this issue?
Man so long ago , but nothing is done about this, Why?