CSV Data Importer

Hello, I do not know where exactly this should be posted but I decided that this would be the best place. Anyway, it took me a year to finally switch to Unreal, from Unity, and it was not because which engine is better but because C++ is much more challenging. That was the only reason, I felt that I started to stagnate with C# and so I decided to switch 3 days ago.

Anyway, I gave myself a challenge to create an Editor Tool that pulls the data from Google Sheets, looks at my C++ Primary Data Assets (Weapon, Armor, Jewlery that extend Item, which extends the Primary Data Asset) and it either creates a new PrimaryDataAsset_Blueprint, trough reflection, based on the name (if it doesn’t exist in the folder) or it updates the existing one (if it exists in the folder).

Adding new Item types (primary data assets) is quite simple and requires very minimal code to make it work.

I am quite pleased of how I made it and the next system is creating an Actor system for the data that is generated. Have a very cute idea at how to do it without needing to make endless actor blueprints.

Here is a short video of it working: