Crosshair in VR ?

hello, i am making a VR game, so far i am trying to make a crosshair for the game and that crosshair has the function that able to trigger event when the crosshair pointed at a trigger box either near or far away as long as the crosshair pointed at the object i wanted to trigger.
so far i could find the tutorial or solution that talks about collision between the crosshair and the trigger box, and it’s there possible to make the crosshair visible in google VR?

Ive got the same problem mate haha

Watch these…

also go here and grab the


tear it apart and find out…

this is off top of head. there are so many different ways to do this.

Also it’s good to start with specs, like i see you tagged with GearVR yet in post you say GoogleVR Daydream?

And the engine version you are using. Very helpful for anyone answering…

I am using the WidgetInteraction in 4.13 and find I still need to run a linetrace/raycast if i want use other things like send billboard to on rollover etc…
and for crosshair, you are using a widget on character-camera pushed out in front of capsule by a meter with depth disable turn on and a sort distance set?

but if your using earlier let me know and i can answer a bit better… but Mitch’s Tutorials are great… scroll to bottom and start with “Mitch’s VR Lab Ep01 - RIft + UE4 - an Introduction” and work your way up…

Oh and this thread too…