CRITICAL: Using Respawn() On The Agent Object Causes Movement Bug That You Can No Longer Jump Properly

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This is very simple to explain and reproduce. The problem is that if you try to use Respawn in verse after a player is eliminated then their jump height will be reduced.

Steps to Reproduce

Create a new project using the blank template that has 2 spawners. Put in the following code in a GameManager file:
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }

GameManager := class(creative_device):

P1Spawner:player_spawner_device = player_spawner_device{}
P2Spawner:player_spawner_device = player_spawner_device{}


    if(FC:fort_character = Agent.GetFortCharacter[]):


    Sleep(2.0) #this timing does not matter, set it to 0.5 if you want
    Print("Respawn player")
    Agent.Respawn(P1Spawner.GetTransform().Translation, P1Spawner.GetTransform().Rotation)

Then simply start the game, jump around, build a wall if you need a height “stick” to compare to. Then respawn and try the same jump. You’ll see the jump height is reduced.

Expected Result

Jump height should not change

Observed Result

Jump height is reduced by about 10% I think



The status of FORT-727313 incident has been moved from ‘In Progress’ to ‘Ready for QA’. Resolution Reason: ‘Cannot Reproduce’

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It is also important to note that this only applies when the movement in island settings is set to current br, and it occurs after the 2nd respawn. If set to Ch 4 movement, then this does not occur, but a new bug occurs. On Ch 4 movement, when strafing in reverse, you will experience hitching.

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When you’re able to, can you share media of the height difference you’re seeing? Thanks!

EDIT: OP shared media on another forum post here:

I hadn’t realized I posted in the wrong bug report. Sorry about that, here it is again:

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This is not fixed in 29.20

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This is still an issue with 29.30 with Chapter 5 movement. Any update on this bug by chance?

This is still an issue as of today. Impossible to jump until the player manually choose respawn