Critical - UEFN - Converted 1.0 XL islands increase in memory

This island is almost 100k in Creative (with the increase of memory from 6 months ago). Same island in UEFN (converted) is 144k (XL thermo seems to not be working). I ll run a full memory calibration later to confirm.


Would love to know your results as it can be used as a baseline, especially since we know its around 100k currently in Live.

Can you clarify, do you have streaming enabled on the imported UEFN island?

I do have streaming enabled:

Does enabling streaming increase or decrease Memory?

it was already enabled, so I dont know what it is without. It wont make sense to be off cause its an XL thermo based map anyway

Generally a UEFN map with streaming enabled will have lower memory than if streaming were disabled ( since if streaming is disabled, everything in the map is loaded in memory all the time ).

But the issues mentioned in this thread ( UEFN Thermometer Inaccuracy ) may be affecting that at the moment. But yeah as a general rule - streaming should lower memory.

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