Critical: Moderation Warning showing no reason/list of assets.

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



I’ve received a content moderation warning and It’s impossible for me to find out what it’s for.

Steps to Reproduce

I launched a session.

It did not load me into my island, but into fortnite’s discovery screen.

A message popped up, saying that one or more of my Assets violate the content guidelines.

But when I click the button to “Open Creator Portal”, I get redirected to no where. The Search Bar in my chrome browser is focus outlined in blue. Like it usually is when opening a new Tab in the browser.

I am logged into the creator portal in the browser.

And I’ve tried the same on the “brave browser” set as my default browser. It also just focus outlined the search bar, not opening any website.

Re-launching UEFN didn’t fix it either.

Expected Result

It shows me the assets that violate the content guidelines.

Observed Result

It doesn’t. (Therfore forcing continued violation and a potential project lock.)


windows 11

Additional Notes

Since the warning says that continued violation will result in my project being locked. I am unsure whether I can continue working on it while this bug persists, as I am unable to remove whatever got flagged. (I follow the content guidelines to the best of my knowledge and I’m surprised that I got a warning in the first place.) Thank you for your attention on this matter.

Video Demonstration of the Issue. I’ve cropped the screencapture and covered my bookmarks with a grey line for privacy reasons.

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There seems to be a bug where games that fail to cook throw this warning.

It seems that the last build/cook i.e. by using Launch Session could fail and trigger this non-intuitive state of Project Moderation Warning upon the (any) next start of the Editor when opening your Project map.

Perhaps like in my case, take a close look at the Asset Check and UEFN Validation categories in the local Message Log (not the Portal) after launching a test session. This might reveal error(s) that cause the Moderation warning (for all of your session). I removed an illegal reference from some material instance, saved my changes, launched and after successful playtest the project can now be opened without any warning.

This was a technical issue rather than a functional violation of the Epic Content Guidelines IMHO.


Thanks you helped me so much i was near to give up

I am getting this error and can not find at which part in the message log where it says what asset failed cooking, I do get the failed to cook error though.

The status of FORT-749545 incident has been moved from ‘Ready for QA’ to ‘Closed’. Resolution Reason: ‘Duplicate’

Thank you!

I’d love to do this but the moderation warning is making it so I cannot even launch a session, it just sends me right back to the lobby. Between this moderation warning on one project and the login failed issues constantly for me, it has been extremely difficult to make any sort of progress on making maps for awhile… any advice on either from people coming here?