[Critical] Level Sequence Director. PROJECT IS NOT VALID PROJECT VALIDATION FAILED Validation Error: LEVEL SEQUENCE DIRECTOR. Disallowed Object Not Allowed Level Sequence DIRECTOR - Animation BUG

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I just spend Three Days 16 Hours a day on this level sequence. It is perfect! Now I launch session, and it is saying the actual level sequence ( Only consisting of a camera and a character device and a pirate ship) is NOT allowed ( The level sequence itself). This has to be a bug. I am stuck and NEED HELP PLEASE. My map is Plunder the caves skull island. I cannot upload this version to private because of the error PROJECT IS NOT VALID PROJECT VALIDATION FAILED.

LogValkyrieValidation: Error: Found disallowed object type /Script/LevelSequence.LevelSequenceDirector, Referenced by:Content/Animation/TheShip_Beginning.uasset, Plugin mount point:/PlunderTheCaves.
UEFNValidation: Error: Found disallowed object type /Script/LevelSequence.LevelSequenceDirector, Referenced by:See below for asset list, Plugin mount point:/PlunderTheCaves.
UEFNValidation: Error: /PlunderTheCaves/Animation/TheShip_Beginning

Steps to Reproduce

  1. I created a new level sequence.
  2. I Pushed changes to the edit session.
  3. It worked Great.
  4. I closed the project. I came back later in the day. I was so excited about my new animation!!!
  5. I tried to launch a session, and it says “PROJECT IS NOT VALID PROJECT VALIDATION FAILED.”


Expected Result

This should be fixed. I expect when I am using all fortnite assets, materials, textures, in the way they are meant to be used and with intended purposes. I should never have to run into something that can cause me this much panic for doing everything correctly on my end. But I understand that I cannot expect it to happen in a day.

Observed Result

The Level Sequence as a whole is a disallowed object. Nothing within the level sequence. I reallly need someone to fix this because my game is looking Above and Beyond. It is called Plunder the Caves: SKull Island. It is SUCH a good game. I am begging someone to fix this as it cannot be redone or deleted. It has been three days of work and it is a key component of the game. PLEASE. HELP.

The map code I have is a Private version and it is OLD. I was just about to publish a new private version until this bug happened.



Island Code


Additional Notes

The map code I have is a Private version and it is OLD. I was just about to publish a new private version until this bug happened.

LogValkyrieValidation: Error: Found disallowed object type /Script/LevelSequence.LevelSequenceDirector, Referenced by:Content/Animation/TheShip_Beginning2.uasset, Plugin mount point:/PlunderTheCaves.
UEFNValidation: Error: Found disallowed object type /Script/LevelSequence.LevelSequenceDirector, Referenced by:See below for asset list, Plugin mount point:/PlunderTheCaves.
UEFNValidation: Error: /PlunderTheCaves/Animation/TheShip_Beginning2

I Spooke To An Epic Team member on Discord and the team solved this. They were unable to pinpoint why all level sequencers created were disallowed objects.