Critical - Error when lauching the session via UEFN

Hey, when I click on the “launch session” button on UEFN to go in the map on Fortnite, I have an error message saying “CreateModuleVersions() failed with errors:
An error occurred while communicating with game servers (”. This issue prevents me from editing my UEFN project in Fortnite and I spawn on the default island, without anything on it.
Does anyone know where this could come from?
Thank you!

Thank you, @VysenaWoyka - we’re looking into this.

@VysenaWoyka Are you still getting this? Also could you double check that you’re using FortnitePublicTest instead of live?

@Flak Yes I still have the problem. I even tried to check if it was working on the live version, but same issue. I also already tried to reinstall the FortnitePublicTest, and it’s still happening :confused: