Critical error: Serial size mismatch

Hi @Kaspi ,
After examining the code for many days I may have come up with a fix. It involves patching the source and rebuilding the UE5 EA.
I have noticed in the supplied dump that many other files have been corrupted on the move, but the one in your message has seeked too far hence the report.
I have a patch that may work.

Open the UE5 EA source build and enter “AsyncLoading.cpp” in the Solution Explorer
When the code opens type Control + G, in the Go To Line box type 7961 and enter
Edit the code so as seen below adding the “+1”

checkf(CurrentPos + Count <= 1 + TotalSizeOrMaxInt64IfNotReady(), TEXT(“Seeked past end of file %s (%lld / %lld)”), *PackagePath.GetDebugName(), CurrentPos + Count, TotalSize());

I have put this patch on my UE5EA Vs2022 archive as described in
Visual Studio 2022 Preview is 64 bit and compiles and runs UE 5.0 EA approximately 20% FASTER - Development Discussion / Unreal Engine 5 Early Access - Unreal Engine Forums
If you need to used it, but simply changing the source file would be an easier fix and keep you close to the original.
It it works I will try and enter a bug report.

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