[CRITICAL] Devices and Fortnite props not showing up in session

Inside UEFN I have added the following devices and edited the options inside each and not a single one seems to function when a session is launched. Start Game does nothing?

3 Class Designers
Class Selector UI
HUD Controller
8 Player Spawner Points set to gameplay
8 Player Spawner Points set to pre-game


Wild West Saloon from prefabs is not showing up in my session. The Blocking volumes I’ve placed around it do. But the building is not showing up as well.
In editor

In Session

I used my test code to launch the game in fortnite and the devices are not functioning and the prefab is still missing. Also, i tried using my assets in game to see if they show up and they do. These barrels were added right next to the invisible saloon like 1 minute ago. So revision control is functioning.

Hey, did you figure it out ?