April 1, 2021, 9:31am
Hello guys,
I am stuggling to import my Creo files using Datasmith. Using Creo 5 and latest UE4. I tried native Creo files, and even *.neu format but everytime I get only like coordinate system imported and no geometry at all.
Any specific things to care about?
Any special Creo setup needed?
Thank you
April 1, 2021, 3:02pm
Hi, did you try to import files with extension “prt.1” or “asm.1” ?
Datasmith CAD should import Creo file without anything else needed.
One thing that comes to mind is that if you load assembly files they might only contain reference to other Creo files where the actual geometry is stored. Do you have all necessary files accessible?
Michal, are you able / allowed to share some of the model with us so we can test?
April 6, 2021, 9:22am
Hello guys
I tried even prt.1 and asm.1
I definitelly have all files I need and all these files are in the same directory
I tried directly using Datasmith and even using Dataprep …
Files in the text editor looks fine, everything standard
Reimport into Creo works fine
On the screenshot below is what I get after *.prt imported into the ue4
April 6, 2021, 11:10am
file to test from the whole assembly
UE4 created just DatasmithSceneActor
Tried to import into the Onshape app and works fine. Geom is there
I succesfully loaded asm.neu files but I got a fail on a prt file.
I will report that to the team. Can you share a sample of what is failing for you with us?
I can set a box folder for you to share. Else you can send at flavien dot picon at epicgames dot com
April 9, 2021, 7:07am
Hello Flavien
I will prepare some data that can be shared.
I send you my contact to your email address.
Appreciate your support
April 9, 2021, 8:55am
Output log:
LogD3D11RHI: CreateSwapChainForHwnd failed with result ‘DXGI_ERROR_INVALID_CALL’ (0x887A0001), falling back to legacy CreateSwapChain.
LogSlate: Window ‘Choose Location for importing the Datasmith content’ being destroyed
LogFactory: FactoryCreateFile: DatasmithScene with DatasmithImportFactory (0 0 …/…/…/…/…/…/VRstudio/99 PROJEKTY/Sigma_data/vr_assy/a-000-000-a.asm.1)
LogD3D11RHI: CreateSwapChainForHwnd failed with result ‘DXGI_ERROR_INVALID_CALL’ (0x887A0001), falling back to legacy CreateSwapChain.
LogSlate: Window ‘Datasmith Import Options’ being destroyed
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: c-000-000-a.asm.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: e-000-000-a.asm.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: i-000-000-a.asm.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: s-000-000-a.asm.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: b-200-000-a.asm.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: f-100-000-a.asm.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: b-400-000-a.asm.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: f-200-000-a.asm.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: f-400-000-a.asm.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: b-600-000-a.asm.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: f-500-000-a.asm.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: b-300-000-a.asm.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: f-600-000-a.asm.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: b-700-000-a.asm.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: asm0003.asm.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: f-330-000-a.asm.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: f-310-000-a.asm.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: b-130-000-a.asm.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: b-100-003-a0.prt.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: b-520-000-a_r.asm.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: f-340-000-a.asm.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: f-322-000-a.asm.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: f-321-000-a.asm.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: f-323-000-a.asm.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: f-324-000-a.asm.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: f-370-000-a.asm.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: f-300-001-a0.prt.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: b-120-000-a.asm.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: f-360-000-a.asm.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: b-100-001-a0.prt.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: b-100-002-a0.prt.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: b-111-000-a.asm.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: n-camloc-v26s02-5agv.prt.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: b-510-000-a.asm.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: din127_8.xpr
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: din912_m8x20.xpr
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: f-350-001-a0.prt.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: f-350-004-a0.prt.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: f-350-002-a0.prt.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: f-350-005-a0.prt.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: f-350-008-a0.prt.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: f-350-006-a0.prt.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: f-350-007-a0.prt.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: f-350-003-a0.prt.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: Worker lost
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: b-110-001-a0.prt.*
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Warning: Handler ended with error: Worker process issue (worker lost)
LogDatasmithDispatcher: Display: Multi Process ended and consumed all the tasks
LogD3D11RHI: CreateSwapChainForHwnd failed with result ‘DXGI_ERROR_INVALID_CALL’ (0x887A0001), falling back to legacy CreateSwapChain.
LogMaterial: Display: Missing cached shader map for material M_DatasmithCAD, compiling.
LogStaticMesh: Building static mesh N-CAMLOC-V2600-LW7…
LogStaticMesh: Building static mesh F-300-002-A0…
LogShaderCompilers: Display: Worker (1/77): shaders left to compile 12
LogShaderCompilers: Display: Worker (2/77): shaders left to compile 11
LogShaderCompilers: Display: Worker (3/77): shaders left to compile 10
LogShaderCompilers: Display: Worker (4/77): shaders left to compile 9
LogShaderCompilers: Display: Worker (5/77): shaders left to compile 8
LogShaderCompilers: Display: Worker (6/77): shaders left to compile 7
LogShaderCompilers: Display: Worker (7/77): shaders left to compile 6
LogShaderCompilers: Display: Worker (8/77): shaders left to compile 5
LogShaderCompilers: Display: Worker (9/77): shaders left to compile 4
LogShaderCompilers: Display: Worker (10/77): shaders left to compile 3
LogShaderCompilers: Display: Worker (11/77): shaders left to compile 2
LogShaderCompilers: Display: Worker (12/77): shaders left to compile 1
LogStaticMesh: Building static mesh F-320-001-A0…
LogStaticMesh: Built static mesh [0.01s] /Game/a-000-000-a/Geometries/N-CAMLOC-V2600-LW7.N-CAMLOC-V2600-LW7
LogStaticMesh: Built static mesh [0.01s] /Game/a-000-000-a/Geometries/F-300-002-A0.F-300-002-A0
LogStaticMesh: Built static mesh [0.02s] /Game/a-000-000-a/Geometries/F-320-001-A0.F-320-001-A0
LogLayoutUV: FindBestPacking (Total Time: 17 ms, Avg Efficiency: 73.091667)
LogUObjectHash: Compacting FUObjectHashTables data took 1.06ms
LogDatasmithImport: Imported a-000-000-a in [0 min 2.809 s] [Private Bytes: 2.79 GB, Working Set 2.00 GB, Peak Working Set 2.16 GB]
LogD3D11RHI: CreateSwapChainForHwnd failed with result ‘DXGI_ERROR_INVALID_CALL’ (0x887A0001), falling back to legacy CreateSwapChain.
Hello there,
I got the same issue when I import my files. Did you fix your issue ?
Hello, so thanks to discussion with Hogofogo we clarify two things:
The library we use to translate Creo format can read parametric files from Creo properly but tessellated/mesh type until Creo 2 only. So make sure your file contains parametric data else try to go around it and use another format such as step.
We have some regression on 4.26 where the CAD importer is less permissive and will fail where 4.25 did not. It has been fixed for 4.27 that should come out soon. In the mean time try on 4.25.