Hello unreal community and devs!
My coder has found a very weird issue in unreal 5 that deals with meshes.
We have been working on a project for years now we started in unreal 4. It makes heavy use of many art assets I animated with Creature Animation software. It’s similar to other 2d bone mesh software such as SPINE. Recently we decided we want to see if we can migrate to unreal 5, and at first everything seemed to work good. All the meshes that use creature animation JSON’s animate just fine BUUUUT then we tried moving our character around the landscape… The mesh that creature file is attached to goes transparent and we don’t know why, nor does the creator of the creature software (I asked him about this issue first on the forum for creature animation, before coming here). He checked the rendering code for changes that would cause the issue but hasn’t found anything soo far.
We tried making a brand new unreal project, update everything first (like drivers ect), ensure creature animation software is up to date, make a brand new creature file asset, and STILL it happens. This issue should be easily reproduced in other words.
I suspect SPINE assets probably don’t work right either even though I found a post on their forums saying it should work for UE5. I have a nasty suspicion it probably has issues too as isn’t used enough by anyone over there to have run into issues yet (UE5 is still relatively new after all). It’s like something has changed with how unreal handles these sorts of assets is my best guess, but I am not a coder.
So to be clear-
Meshes that use creature json’s animate perfectly fine if the mesh doesn’t move. This means for example trees I animated to blow in the wind. They are stationary in the world thus animate perfectly fine. But anything that moves in 3d space, such as player character or wild animals- those go completely transparent.
There’s also rendering order issues like certain scene elements appearing in front of the creature mesh when it should be behind and that this impacts masked materials that shouldn’t be able to be see through at all, as well as opaque. Transparent materials work though, but don’t have the self lightning.
Everything just breaks when it moves around. It’s a medical mystery, and we’d love to solve it because we want to use UE5 not only in this project, but everything we do going forward. I suspect this issue will effect more then just creature animation software so the community\dev team should probably consider this issue. If this is broken, what else is broken?
If anyone has any insight on this, we’d love to hear it. =)