Creator Analytics Page "Time"

Hi Guys,

i noticed multiple Times now that the Graph get cut off in Time and starts randomly in the Future with the same Numbers.
For today for example i got 2 Players at 6:46 and the Graph makes a jump to 9:06 where still 2 Players.
For me this is verry intransparent.
I could roll some Dices and say yeah, they playing those 2 h 20 min or something else Happend like i got 100 Million People in between.
You’re guess is as good as my, so i hope this is just a Bug.

The other Thing that i noticed is that the Time of those stats are alreays far from my actual time. (2 Hours~)
Maybe a Settings Page with a fixed Timezone Setting would be nice.

And while we at a “little bit” of Feedback :smile:

Could you Pleas give us the Option to see only released Maps to show on the Graph and not select eatch after eatch visit?
Because i got to many Private Maps for testing but no one is on those and so i don’t need to see those in the Graph. :slight_smile:

Ouh and a API Acess would be awesome i want a small Display that just shows those Stats like on a Arduino or so. :grin:


@4ndreDe Thank you for your report! We would like to look into this further, would you be able to submit a bug report using the form available here: Fortnite Creative