Weapons, modular weapons with scopes that were vaulted (the 2 snipers are prime targets) have weird animations during aim.
Steps to Reproduce
Equip a Reaper Sniper Rifle, hold down aim, walk and fire, pay attention to animations.
Expected Result
Animations look natural as the scope bobbing is subtle and the weapon tilts when bolting.
Observed Result
The scope jerks really far and the weapon shakes instead of bolting. Weapons that don’t have sniper scopes will also have the whole character made invisible but the weapon still there.
Additional Notes
This may or may not be related to the unique camera system I used.
Flak, basically, there is a camera situated a bit in front of the character’s head. A certain class (mercenary, named Specialist) has a special aim feature where when you press the aim key, it initially uses an alternate, zoomed camera, but it registers a crouch input trigger that removes the camera when you press crouch and consumes the input, to give an impression of scoping in (it adds gameplay strategy where you can focus without crouching to get better situational awareness or scope to focus on one target more precisely) with scoped weapons. Will that be enough?
A search&destroy style game where terrorists have to plant a bomb at a bombsite and counters have to defuse the bomb or defend the sites themselves and play the timer. It was not made from a template as i never knew one existed. 25 rounds, 13 to win, swap sides every 8. 95 gold every round with the team’s main assault rifle costing 60 and pistols costing 10, with additional body armor and anti-armor bullet upgrades.
Here is a Hammer Pump Shotgun focusing (semi-aim, using aim animations but has hipfire accuracy properties) It may or may not be a bug that it has hipfire accuracy but other properties of aiming like first shot accuracy with select weapons.
Here is a Reaper Sniper Rifle while walking, with the edge of the scope roughly outlined so you could see just how offset it is from the camera center. It almost looks as if it’s using a hybrid between aiming and hipfire animations.
I’m not sure what you mean. If you mean the image with the arms invisible, for some reason, there is a chance that every time the player scopes in, the arms will disappear. I can’t seem to control it, and it is most common with the MP5N equivalent, the Hyper SMG.