Creative island keeps getting rejected

Hey, my island keeps getting rejected. Ive followed the iarc rating carefully and filled out everything correct however i still get rejected saying content within my island, text and images are not appropriate acording to the iarc i submitted however i have no text like death etc and the thumbnail image is ramps built whiting fortnite so it should be whitin the iarc rating. i also have everything from the Fortnite library expect a custom heart model and a material which is transparent.

Also i turned the map from 1.0 fortnite creative to uefn

Would like to get some support on this. anyone have any ideas?

Hello! This is something that our Player Support team can investigate for you to give more information regarding those rejections. Please reach out to Epic Games Technical Support & Customer Service | Epic Games with the island code for the island being rejected. I also recommend reviewing the guidelines here for possible reasons for those rejections:

Ive done that but i get no reply so thats why i had to ask here


There are a few things regarding thumbnails that seem not-obvious to me.

Maybe something in your thumbnail was triggering moderation?

Same here, I have been going through this for months!! Literally it’s insane…