creative commons

Anything i should know before using a creative commons non-commercial asset?

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You just want to be really clear that the asset is truly ok to use. Make sure you feel good about the source and if it’s audio I would make sure you have a good link that explains the license on it.

If it says non-commercial I don’t believe you can use it :thinking:

But it will probably pass moderation, as long as it doesn’t come from Pixabay (idk why they never worked for me)

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it seems like it can be used I just can’t monetize it. its all confusing to me.

thanks for the reply i will keep that in mind

I’m new at this, so I’m not sure what’s allowed, but I’ve been avoiding non-commercial creative commons since there’s a chance the island becomes popular enough to generate money - in which case I assume that means it is a commercial use.

All maps are monetized, though. I would probably not use it. All FN maps are monetized and commercial products.

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