I’m attempting to create some new ULandscapeLayerInfo objects as a convenience to our users (so they don’t have to manually create them) when they save one of our blueprints. I then store a reference to those in a TArray of the blueprint.
This is all happening in the blueprints PreSave() override.
The problem is I’m running into a failed check in SavePackage.cpp line 2820
//@warning: Objects created from within PreSave will NOT have PreSave called on them!!!
Does this mean it’s not possible to create new objects in the blueprints PreSave() or is there something I need to set on the layerinfos or the blueprint after creating/assigning them? (I tried setting OBJECTMARK_TagExp on the newly created layerinfos).
Obj = the blueprint’s “PackageMetaData” when the check fails.