I tried to create a new plugin (using the blank template) and encountered the following error when I tried to restart the editor:
Found 'MyPlugin' plugin in two locations (E:\MyProject\Plugins\MyPlugin\MyPlugin.uplugin and E:\MyProject\Plugins\MyPlugin\MyPlugin.uplugin). Plugin names must be unique.
Doing the same with 4.13 works though.
And when I delete all project files and hit “Generate visual studio project files” from the windows explorer, I get this error message:
Messages while compiling E:\MyProject\Intermediate\Build\BuildRules\AeonModuleRules.dll:
warning CS2002: Die Quelldatei 'E:\MyProject\Plugins\MyPlugin\Source\MyPlugin\MyPlugin.Build.cs' wurde mehrmals angegeben.
warning CS2002: Die Quelldatei 'E:\MyProject\Plugins\MyPlugin\Source\MyPlugin\MyPlugin.Build.cs' wurde mehrmals angegeben.
warning CS2002: Die Quelldatei 'E:\MyProject\Plugins\MyPlugin\Source\MyPlugin\MyPlugin.Build.cs' wurde mehrmals angegeben.
ERROR: Found 'MyPlugin' plugin in two locations (E:\MyProject\Plugins\MyPlugin\MyPlugin.uplugin and E:\MyProject\Plugins\MyPlugin\MyPlugin.uplugin). Plugin names must be unique.
(The warning states: The source file … has been referenced multiple times.)
I am using a blank C++ project for this, without starter content and using the “Basic Code” configuration.
Steps ro reproduce:
- Create a new C++ Basic Code project with 4.14
- Create a new plugin using the plugin UI and selecting the blank template
- Restart editor