Creating/Generating Maps for materials/textures

First thing i wanna say is that im new to these game development stuff and i am trying to make a scene from image that i picked from(DevianArt) and i just finished 3D models.for next step i picked Texturing i have been looking into it for 1 week and i have some knowledge but not even close to for it needs to be. I can add Texture that i picked from texture sites and add normal map to it but how about others? i have watched alots of tutorials and searched google for over like 40 sites to understand how to create material that looks realistic/good. now in tutorials everyone is teaching something about texturing but not A- to -Z and everyone has their own workflow. and since its not A- to -Z i have to fill that space in my mind from another tutorial but guess what? in another tutorial his own workflow is too different to that i watched im reallllly confused.from what i see :every map can be used for different
purposes.But i think it has to be standart purpose of use for every map.(if im wrong pls enlighten me.)
Btw i can create NormalMap in photoshop with nvidia filter but i wonder, is it enough? Or is this just a easy way to do it?

My main and only question is :
-How to create all different maps for texture that i picked from web sites.(especially HeightMap)

this is just a sample of BaseColor(texture)+Normal Map


Thanks for support.

Normally you bake those textures (heightmap, normal map, specular,…) from a high poly mesh -> ?v=eeFnPg4YRbE
Of course you can use photoshop and other texture tools, but you will get a better result when you use the upper mentioned way (but it will take longer) :slight_smile:

lets say there is a complicated stone road texture.which is all textures have complicated geometry.(at least to me)
do i have to sculpt exact same thing from image ? isnt that too hard ?? i think that`s not something that u can learn u have to have skills to do that.
btw if i just use photoshop to make those maps and still, can i get a decent realistic view in my game ?

thanks for support :slight_smile:


It doesn’t work with Internet Explorer but Google Chrome works fine.
Thank me later. :smiley: Don’t forget to leave a tip for the author. :slight_smile:

Thanks! :smiley:
but :frowning: its just not working…


and if i invert it. just gets spikes all over it :slight_smile:
im starting to think that only way to do it is sculpting which is very very hard to do. :frowning:

Is that a normal map you’re using? It looks too strong. Try these nodes to adjust your Normal map if that’s the issue. I don’t think you’ll get that much depth though as your jpeg.
You could make some stones and mesh paint them onto a surface if you need more relief. Check some tutorials for painting on grass but use rocks instead.

now,ive learned that normalmap can be used for displacement too :)) however i cant find node called Normal Intensity that you used. but i think i found something similiar to what u wanna say. https://docs.unrealengine/latest/INT/Engine/Rendering/Materials/HowTo/DetailTexturing/index.html ?? and preview was from :// and the problem was height map that site and shadows from the texture is making too hard for softwares to generate height map`s i think.When i use that height map in UE4 result is slightly better but still its terrible :smiley:

Thanks for support :slight_smile:

You could create the road as a 3d mesh + bake the textures → takes some time but you will get a perfect result :slight_smile:
But of course you also get a good result when you make them in photoshop

The node that he uses is called “scalar parameter”

Thanks so much for support ! :slight_smile:

i got the answers that i need.
ill have so much more question marks in my head for next steps thats for sure. :smiley:
btw `` i looked into Foliage Starter Kit of yours. Great job :smiley:

thanks again. :slight_smile: see ya.

Just ask them here in the forum -> we are always here to help! :smiley: