I am moving away from blueprints as they are SLOWWWWWW
I only like them in UE4 because VS sucks compared to MonoDevelop in Unity…
C++ is insanely fast compared to blueprints, and I have started scripting a game-mode in c++ opposed to BP.
I have some variables I’d like to set on the fly within the editor which means creating blueprints from the c++ classes.
Is that defeating the purpose of creating the c++ class to begin with?
When my c++ classes become more complex, and I create blueprints from them, are the blueprints going to be slow again?
It shouldn’t, as long as execution code is in c++ it will be ok !
I use c++ for 90% of my code, and for all small specific item i hook an even or so on special blueprint etc, and never seen perf hit from there.
On complex logic, blueprint can easily become spaghetti of nodes, hard to maintain / optimize
On as side note about blueprint performances,
Epic team added Blueprints Nativization, but it’s only when you cook i think
Thanks for the tip, UE4 states (somewhere I read today) that BP’s are maintained and converted to c++ through a virtual machine hence the performance bottleneck.
I’ve come to the conclusion - complex logic run through c++ and use any BP functionality to minimum and use them for data-only.
I want to point out that you should be more careful with your misconceptions.
Blueprints are meant for high-level logic only, and cosmetic stuff.
Personally I have two games out there that run smoothly as hell, and 90% of the stuff is made in bluperints.
Many programmers realize that their code is inefficient when they use blueprints, as even inefficient code can run smoothly on a low level language like C++, and they never had to deal with it before.
ie: blueprint is ideal for optimized event-based logic. If you need to create super low-level behaviors, use C++.
I honestly can’t imagine what it was you tried to do in blueprints that performed so badly.