Creating a user "ride" expierence in VR

Hey Guys,

First time on here, and new to UE4, sorry if I sound like a noob.

I’m looking to script a “ride” for a player to go on in VR.

This ride would consist of a player stepping onto a mesh, which would then trigger the mesh to follow the path of a spline/path (not sure if spline is the right term). The player would be allowed to look around but teleportation/moving would be disabled until the mesh has completed its path.

Think of it almost as a “magic carpet ride”, In which the player is simply there for the experience.

I’m sure this isn’t to complex but could not seem to find a solid tutorial online, any help, or a point in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You!

just make node AttachTo (pawn to mesh)

I make this in elevator Lift in VR - YouTube

Hey! Thank you for your response :slight_smile:
How do you create the movement though, could you give me a more detailed breakdown please?


elevator moving through node AddTimeline (I set there a two keyframes 0 value in the 0 time, and 1 value in the 1 time), lerp mixing two locations start elevator and end elevator and in the execute Update Animations you need to SetLocation of elevator.

Pawn moving in the elevator as I said before.