I’ve been trying to move some fairly basic functionality from a working c++ class within the project source code to a plugin unfortunately when i try i get a lot of errors, the first section of errors i get are all within BlueprintFunctionLibrary.h the rest are in the generated.h file, with the exception of the API used and the include for the precompiled header the code is identical and works when its not used as a plugin, anyone have any ideas of what could be happening?
Same problem,it looks like a bug inside UBT, everytime I add a new class inherit from UBlueprintFunctionLibrary cause generated.h error, and is very annoying, close everything, right click on .uproject, generate visual studio and open your solution again, then rebuild ALL, sometimes work, if not, try by change name of your class, (stupid and not sense but work)
will give that a shot, and tbh if it sounds stupid but it works its not stupid >< seen a few other odd things work surprisingly better than i thought they would
Hi Boon,
Yesterday I found a walkaround, I delete my class, then I recreate again but inheriting from UObject, compile and after that we can change the inherit to UBlueprintFunctionLibrary, and now is working without trouble,
For some reason and not always if your try to compile first with UBlueprintFunctionLibrary, the compiler start messing with generated.h, hope Epic reproduce this issue and offer some fix.