I’m currently trying to attach a camera to a spring arm, which will be attached to the RootComponent (in my case, the RootComponent is a capsule). The attachment is done in C++ in the constructor with SetupAttachment.
I created a Blueprint from this Parent class, and the result is a bit strange…
I don’t know if it’s a bug within Unreal, but when I create the camera before the spring arm in C++ :
// Create components
Camera = CreateDefaultSubobject<UCameraComponent>(TEXT("Camera"));
SpringArm = CreateDefaultSubobject<USpringArmComponent>(TEXT("Spring Arm"));
// Setup Attachements
The Blueprint child class component hierarchy is looking like this :
I would have thought that there would be one sprint arm that I could expand to reveal a camera, regardless of the order in which I create the two components! But I get a camera within a camera, with a spring arm at the same level as the first camera…
But when I swap the first two lines in the constructor to create the spring arm before the camera :
// Create components
SpringArm = CreateDefaultSubobject<USpringArmComponent>(TEXT("Spring Arm"));
Camera = CreateDefaultSubobject<UCameraComponent>(TEXT("Camera"));
// Setup Attachements
And then re-parent the blueprint to see the changes done in the constructor, it’s behaving as intended :
I was wondering if anyone else encountered this issue, and if there was a known reason why it happens?
Thank you,