Create spherical Dynamic Planet ocean

Is there a way I can create an ocean with waves the size of a mini planet in a spherical shape? It seems like oceanology, fluid flux and other dynamic ocean plugins with buoyancy and waves don’t support giant sphere shapes. Any ideas how I could do this? My goal is to create a mini spherical planet you can walk around upside down on with a realistic ocean with waves that reacts to your movement. I want a planet system sort of like No man’s Sky. Thanks

I think you’ll find that most things ( like fog, skylight, water etc ) all assume you’re working with a flat surface :slight_smile:

I have come across this myself.

You can get a pretty decent shader together with translucency, normals, mesh distance fields ( for foam ) and WPO ( for waves ), but you would need to do it yourself.

I have my basic planet here ( no foam or waves )



That looks very good but I need dynamics and waves that interact with the player and boats.

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Got your work cut out then… :wink:

There are plenty of tutorials on waves and water interaction. You might have to adapt them for 360 :melting_face:

Do you think I would be asking here if I could simply find a tutorial on this? There are water, wave dynamic simulation tutorials but they don’t apply to custom water bodies. Like I said, ocleanology, Fluid Flux, waterline only support a flat world. I need to know another way.

Take buoyancy. All the tutorials, will tell you to use Z, absolute world up. But, in your case you would use the normal from the planet at that point. It’s like that. An adaption.

( Same with the waves, actually ).

I apologize I didn’t realize i received a reply here. Are you describing blueprint editing? Where is the Z indicated that you’re referring to?

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Any tutorial that usually refers to Z ( up/down ), you just have to use the planet normal.

I’m not sure popular ocean plugins support this function.

Plugins, no. I really meant your own adaptation of a tutorial.

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Hi guys, I made a (free) plugin specifically for this purpose: GitHub - script526/PlanetOcean: Waves for planets and flat worlds



The plugin is not free anymore, here’s a post with the details and the marketplace link: Planetary Oceans Plugin

While in theory biasing the result of a gerstner cluster with a normal could seem like a solution, I’m fairly certain it isn’t going to work.

In short, Gerstner or Gravitational waves account for earths gravity with an assumed simplification.

Smaller planets without a moon would have completely different wave patterns than what we know or expect to be “normal”.

Smaller worlds, smaller gravitational constant.

Techincally, if you write the formula long hand you could adjust and get some hypotetically accurate fluid dynamic representstions…

See this:

Some progress on the buoyancy update

Unreal Engine 5 2024.08.15 - (1)

Unreal Engine 5 2024.08.15 -

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Hey guys, I’ve released an update 1.1.0, which includes:

New features:

  • Buoyancy system
  • Drivable boat (WIP)
  • Voxel Plugin 2.0 buoyancy Integration
  • Masking out water
  • Ocean mesh generator (with different polygon density parameters)


  • Consistent hash functions for waves randomization (fix for ocean ‘jittering’)
  • New wave spread algorithm based on these hash functions


  • Added volumetric clouds to the Buoyancy map
  • Minor enhancements to the water material