Create Session doesn't work on Android even using OSS GooglePlay

Hello guys,

I am doing a P2P mobile game and was using OSS EOS, before an official EOS dev told me that it is not yet supported.
Therefore, I switched to OSS GooglePlay (I was wondering though, was is the difference between OSS Google and OSS GooglePlay? I can’t find anything online but I decided to go with GooglePlay as it made more sense to me) and reconfigured everything.

I managed to get the External Login when packaging on my mobile and to connect to my GooglePlay account.

The problem I am facing at the moment is that, since I did that, I can’t host any session at all on mobiles…

I tried debugging with Gradle logcat and it tells me that the OnlineSubSystem is not properly setup, even though I created an Android/AndroidEngine.ini with the correct parameters.

I am still looking into it, but in case anyone has an idea?

TY :slight_smile:

Are you specifying multiple online subsystems from different SDK’s in your .ini? If you’re building from source, they can conflict in Visual studio as well… If that’s the case they wont usually work. Not very familiar with Google Play so I can’t say for sure.

I have both a DefaultEngine.ini and an AndroidEngine.ini (in the Android folder).

DefaultEngine contains the following:


AndroidEngine contains the following:



When I try to host a session (tried both CreateSession and AdvancedCreateSession), logcat tells:

[882]LogScript: Warning: Script Msg: Sessions not supported by Online Subsystem

even though at the start (when game starts) it is written:


Okay quick update, I just stumbled across this post:

It looks like the OSS only gives access to achievements etc, but matchmaking and sessions isn’t supported by it.

Apparently there is something called Open Match that gives this opportunity, I will dig into it tomorrow.

If anyone having such a thing set up has any advices about what to use, for both Android and iOS (no cross matchmaking), I would happily take those :blush:

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i got similiar issue like you,Sessions not supported by Online Subsystem.did you solve this problem?