I’m working on a game that will feature a combination of split-screen multiplayer, with online multiplayer. This is what I have so far, to assign an integer ID to each local player on spawn:
As you can see, I’ve attempted to connect the Return Value of the Create Player node, to the SET Local ID Target node, but the Target node is a Player Reference, so it refuses to connect. Is there any way I can assign an integer to a splitscreen player on spawn?
Hello. Thanks for reminding me on this! Yes I fixed it a while ago through finding out myself some ways I could do what I wanted. I think it involved casting to the player object, then setting a variable I called localID to it corresponding with the number of splitscreen players already in the game.
TornadoStorm, I am attempting this same thing, have splitscreen clients connect to a splitscreen listen server, and have all the players from each be in the same game.
I have succeeded in getting that far with it, but when it spawns the joined client’s pawns, the controllers lose their possession an instant later and are banished to a black void.
Just before spawning, my Print nodes report their playercontrollers have an ID of -1. Could that be why they get teleported into a back void?