Create fog in an area #ue5

Hi everyone, how i can create fog in an area ? I use Atmospheric Fog or Exponential Height Fog but its affect all Landscape

This video here has a bit on that around the 12:20 mark

Unfortunately it doesn’t work have been 1 Hours I’m poking around and I can copy paste exactly what is in the video It does NOT work I simply get an Empty Sphere.

I then tried to change radius or hardness but everything remain empty.

I would be extremely happy if you could enlighten me

I wasted 3 Hours to finally achieve to fix it. So here what you Must do First to make sure it will work:

  • Make the Global/Main Exponential height Fog VISIBLE

  • “Enable” Volumetric Fog inside the Exponential height Fog “Details” Panel (Mine was disabled)

  • And MOST IMPORTANTLY make sure the “Fog Density” of the Exponential height Fog is HIGHER than “0”. If not the example in the video above at 12:20 will NOT show anything (Could Have Spent Days on this third Points)

  • Last but not least, you have to make sure that any other setting which might Hide the Global Exponential height Fog are disabled; If not it will not work

I’m not completely sure how can it be so topsy-turvy but still if you don’t follow it, it will not work. Lastly on very big Fog it seems to “Break” and give a lot of artifact/Strips (Even with “Epic” Quality Setting). UE doesn’t seem to handle volumetric Fog at high scale.

Hope it will Help Members.