Create Character Selector in a multiplayer game made in Collab Viewer

Hello guys,
I’ve just started with UE and I’m trying to make a multiplayer game using the Collab Viewer, so far the multiplayer works and everything looks fine except for the character selection.

For the character I made a simple body in Blender and made some clothes for it, it worked fine with animations and everything, but when I created a Character Creator/Selector (where player can choose which clothes to put on the body) it just doesn’t work and I have no idea how I can fix it.

for more info about what I did :- My Character has three under Skeletal meshes (head, torso, legs).- I used the method Buttons + “Switch on int” Node to select clothes for each skeletal mesh.

This method worked for me in the ThirdPersonCharacter project, but in Collab Viewer it doesn’t work at all, is there a specific way to fix this ? or another method to use ?

Hey @Worvios1! Welcome to the Forums!

It’s a bit hard to tell what’s going wrong with what we currently have to work with. Would you mind sharing your relevant blueprints?

Any additional information you can provide will be a big help in solving your problem!

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Thank you @Quetzalcodename for you reply, sorry I forgot to upload screenshots :sweat_smile:

I made a construction script to set the master pose on all my skeletal meshes, I have (Mesh, Head, Torso, Legs).

Then a custom Event to switch the head gear, which I call it using the Buttons on the widget :

Unfortunately, I don’t get any Error it’s just that nothing happen when I click on the buttons, sorry, as a new user I can’t upload more screenshots