Create actor hierarchy in world Outliner using C++ class

Hello everyone,
I need to create this hierarchy,


while i import the geometry. I want to achieve this hierarchy using C++ class.

(Can i do that and if i can then can i make actor inside actor instead DatasmithSceneActor into actor)

How can i do that ??

Thanks in advance.

Every object of class AActor has

void AttachToActor( AActor * ParentActor, const FAttachmentTransformRules & AttachmentRules, FName SocketName).

Can i do that and if i can then can i make actor inside actor instead DatasmithSceneActor into actor

I think it has no restrictions but I’ve not actually used it. Check and do tell :slight_smile:

Where should i write this method ,in constructor. If i have two classes both inherent actor class (child and parent) and want that when i drag parent class in editor then in world outliner it should spawn child inside parent, then how should i use this function ?

Can you please give an example?

Thanks in advance

Figure out my self

  1. First i need to spawn an actor using “AActor” class
  2. Then use “void AttachToActor( AActor * ParentActor, const FAttachmentTransformRules & AttachmentRules, FName SocketName)” to attach to each other

And i can get same kind of hierarchy.