Create a UPROPERTY for a PDA Subclass Blueprint

Hi -
I’m trying to make a class which dynamically maps all values in an enum to a custom data asset BP class of my choosing.
I figured this would be easiest in C++ (if this is possible in pure BP please let me know!), but I’m having trouble creating a UPROPERTY which filters for my PDA subclass.

I’ve gathered that I need to use TSubclassOf<UPrimaryDataAsset> somehow, but that just gives me a list of all PDA classes to choose from, not all the PDA_CustomClass blueprints that I’ve made. How do I use this properly? The info about referencing BP classes in C++ is strangely sparse online!


Referencing BP in native can be anywhere from difficult to impossible, and I’m pretty sure attempting to reference it in a property declaration is impossible, since the compiler would need to know about it at compile time. (i could be wrong, though, there’s plenty of wizardry afoot inside Unreal)

If you make a MyGame_PrimaryDataAsset then you can parent all your blueprints to that, instead of PrimaryDataAsset, and then use TSubclassOf<MyGame_PrimaryDataAsset>

Thanks for your help. I ended up doing it in blueprints using another PDA.