Hey everyone! I’m currently working on a car modifier in Unreal Engine 4, right now I’m trying to create a camera that defaults to the car mesh I’m working on but will allow you to select other parts (rims, hood, spoiler, etc) and the camera will jump and center around said object. I found some projected such as This where you can click on other planets and the camera jumps to them with information which I really like. However I’m having problems getting it to work in my projects. I also found This where it allows you to insert a pawn and it should work, however i’m still not getting that to work either. I need some help here as I’m still learning the basics on Blueprints and been playing around with them for only a few week. Any guidance or help would be greatly appreciated as to how to approach this. Thanks!
If you ask me, you can try and make a Spring Arm Component with a Camera Component attached to it. Then you would attach the spring arm to the car or car part depending on what the user has selected.
Keep in mind that this will make it so that the camera orbits around the car / car part, if that’s what you want! There will also be a few properties that need to be adjusted that have to do with rotation, but I can’t remember them at them moment.
Yup agreed, make a Camera actor with a Sring Arm and the Camera OR just a spring Actor which you can parent you normal Camera too. When you select a mesh, snap the spring arm to the selected items transform.
So create a spring arm and component and camera and attach them? I’ll look up some tutorials on how to get that accomplished! Any suggestions? I’ll update the forum post as I get this accomplished, I think people might be interested in my findings for future projects. Thanks for the advice!
One suggestion is that maybe you create a custom blueprint which has a camera attached to a Spring Arm, and then when you hopping between menus, you can (if you want to that is) attach the spring arm to your subject.
Regarding how to do it, well you just gotta tinker with blueprints a little, you could make an event called “OnCarCustomEnter” which does the attachment when you enter the car customisation menu or something like that.
So I’ve gotten my camera to work now as seen in the video below. Now I’m trying to add the ability of the camera jumping from different mesh parts. I know suggested snapping the spring arm to the selected items but I’m not really “pro” enough on how to do it. Any suggestions? I’ve attached the Blueprints i’m working on right now for anyone interested in helping me out. Thanks
Pretty sweet stuff! While I’m not at my original computer to work on the BP, I’ll try to offer some advice. Is that car a skeletal mesh or just a static mesh. If it’s a skeletal mesh, you can try to attach the Spring arm to the appropriate join on the skeletal mesh. If it’s a static mesh, then you may need to try and hard code in a position for the entire Spring arm Camera pair to go to.
It’s just a static mesh atm, but if you think importing it as a static would be better I could look into doing so. And thank you! yes, it’s the car I’ve been modeling, the hope is with everyone’s help I can create something to be proud of. I appreciate your help! Let me know if you have suggestions or tutorials I should look into and I definitely will!
thanks , I downloaded your blueprints. But I don’t know how to connect the playerstart with your blueprints.So now I can’t set the initial position of camera accurately as I want .Can you help me? Thanks for a lot