Crazy Metahuman Hair in Renderer

I am new to UE. I am using UE 5.2.1.
I keep getting this issue:
Metahuman hair blowed up in rendering like on the picutre:


I spent 5 hours playing with antialiasing, motion blur, disabled hair simulation like it was suggested in different topics to try to fix that. Nothing helped.
The character does not move in the scene.

Any ideas how to fix that?

thank you!

Resolved for me.
I just found out I need to put the cursor manually to the first frame of the rendering fragment in Sequence Queue right before rendering to fix the issue.

Looks like there is a bug in UE or metahuman hairs, or something else where right before rendering it moves immediatly everything to the first frame and hairs try to reflect to that high-speed shift. ( I believe all simulations must be off during that move?)

The same reason could be also for the hair issue when we render several camera cuts together.

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